  • 一、准备工作
  • 二、编译代码
  • 三、测试




  • 准备1块BearPi-Pico H2821开发板


  1. 点击左侧的“KConfig”,打开配置界面.

    Alt text

  2. 选择Support DMA Sample.

    Application  --->
        [*] Enable Sample.
        [*]     Enable the Sample of peripheral.
        [ ]         Enable all the sample of peripheral, it's just for build.
        [ ]         Support ADC Sample.
        [ ]         Support BLINKY Sample.
        [ ]         Support BUTTON Sample.
        [*]         Support DMA Sample.
                        DMA Sample Configuration  --->
  3. 按下"Save"键保存配置。

    Alt text

  4. 编译烧录固件




dma single memory transfer start!
dma single memory transfer succ!
dma checking transfer from 0x00048e88 to 0x00048e08...
dma memory copy test succ, length = 32 block
dma single memory transfer start!
dma single memory transfer succ!
dma checking transfer from 0x00048e88 to 0x00048e08...
dma memory copy test succ, length = 32 block
dma single memory transfer start!
dma single memory transfer succ!
dma checking transfer from 0x00048e88 to 0x00048e08...
dma memory copy test succ, length = 32 block
dma single memory transfer start!
dma single memory transfer succ!
dma checking transfer from 0x00048e88 to 0x00048e08...
dma memory copy test succ, length = 32 block
dma single memory transfer start!
dma single memory transfer succ!
dma checking transfer from 0x00048e88 to 0x00048e08...
dma memory copy test succ, length = 32 block